Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pizza is serious business

Who knew cutting pizza slices in half could be such a traumatic event?!?!?  Not I!  Well, Macie did and now I do, too.  Sheesh!  lol

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I think the ocean is rising...

And I don't mean because of global warming.  I'll side-step that one.  I mean tears from the past few days.  Lots of them.  Little ones.  Giant crocodile ones, too.  Let's see if I can remember a few instances:

1.  Macie didn't have "a lot of cereal in her bowl" this morning.  So she cried.
2.  Before that, she didn't get a red vitamin.  Same outcome.
3.  The other night, while playing The Very Hungry Caterpillar board game, Madie kept spinning the moon, meaning she lost her turn.  So she cried.  A lot.
4.  Then she lost.  And she really cried.
5.  The other morning I was awakened by crying at 4:45 AM because Madie's pants were "wet from sweating".  I suggested she take them off.  World chaos averted.
6.  The next morning I was awaked by crying at 6:30 AM because Macie had to potty.  I suggested she do so.  Crisis averted as well.
7.  At gymnastics yesterday, Madie drank out of Macie's water bottle. Crying.

I could go on.  Seriously, I could.

So I think this body of water is rising.  To be honest, I'm not sure the water cycle applies evaporation to counteract it.  Not even a plug at the bottom either, I bet.

Maybe the Red Cross offers a swimming course for this...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Pictures of our December snowfall

Fun to look at...not so fun driving...

The what ocean?????

Yeah, I can't definitely can't take credit for the name.  And yes, I know we don't live remotely close to the beach.  This all hangs on Reggie Coe, our church's Family Pastor.  When Henlie, was dedicated at church as our newest edition, Reggie took it upon himself to coin the phrase "the estrogen ocean" in describing my plight as the only male in our household.  Though he tends to be quite the comedian, twenty-something years ago his life was very much the same as the daddy of three young girls as well.  I took it as a viewpoint from experience - from one who had "weathered the storm" - so to speak.  Now, not a week goes by that someone in the office doesn't  ask me how life in the estrogen ocean is that day, and so the phrase and its association with my life at home stuck.  And I love it.  I love the name and I love that God has given me the privilege of such a sweet life with these little women.  Undoubtedly, we see life through a different set of lenses at times, but one thing it doesn't provide is boredom...of any kind!


Hmmm...we'll see how this works...

I imagine we should have some nice girly experiences to share here. We have enough girls around here experiencing things anyways, so that seems doable.