Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I think the ocean is rising...

And I don't mean because of global warming.  I'll side-step that one.  I mean tears from the past few days.  Lots of them.  Little ones.  Giant crocodile ones, too.  Let's see if I can remember a few instances:

1.  Macie didn't have "a lot of cereal in her bowl" this morning.  So she cried.
2.  Before that, she didn't get a red vitamin.  Same outcome.
3.  The other night, while playing The Very Hungry Caterpillar board game, Madie kept spinning the moon, meaning she lost her turn.  So she cried.  A lot.
4.  Then she lost.  And she really cried.
5.  The other morning I was awakened by crying at 4:45 AM because Madie's pants were "wet from sweating".  I suggested she take them off.  World chaos averted.
6.  The next morning I was awaked by crying at 6:30 AM because Macie had to potty.  I suggested she do so.  Crisis averted as well.
7.  At gymnastics yesterday, Madie drank out of Macie's water bottle. Crying.

I could go on.  Seriously, I could.

So I think this body of water is rising.  To be honest, I'm not sure the water cycle applies evaporation to counteract it.  Not even a plug at the bottom either, I bet.

Maybe the Red Cross offers a swimming course for this...

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